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Meet Marla

We’ve been admiring her lifestyle, honesty, and beautiful things she shares for quite a while now. Thought it’s about time to ask her a few questions and get to know her a little bit better even though we are thousands of miles apart. An inspiring woman with a beautiful soul we wanted to share with you all.

How would you describe your lifestyle?

I live on my grandparents 23 acre organic vegetable farm on Vancouver island off the west coast of Canada. I’m here nurturing babies, nurturing my family, tending honey bees, growing flowers, always dreaming up my next project. My partner works away as a boat captain and we join him on the water whenever we can, exploring the coast on our little tug style boat as a family. It’s busy with two toddlers, but at the same time so full of honey slow magic.

What does being in nature give to you?

Being nurtured by nature is the most tender relationship in my life. It presents the most timely of treasures and quite reprieves, wisdom and calm, it fills me with hope and determination. Nature inspires everything I do. There is nothing more beautiful in the world. 

Juggling your business and personal life, do you have any everyday rituals?

When I started my store Hold I ended up creating a lifestyle brand around a life I hardly had time to live. When I had my first baby I closed down my shop and moved to the family farm. Now I am transitioning Hold into something more integrated into my life. When I tend the bees I am left feeling better than any yoga class has ever. Watering the garden feels like a brain rise for myself too. I plan my online drops to fit into when I can have extra support for my family with the kids. It’s a bit messy, but It feels so good to be slowly building my business back into existence and putting things out into the word that feel so full of heart and honestly.

What’s your best way to recharge yourself?

A dip in the ocean and a beautiful meal.

Best given advice to you?

Durning our last big snowfall I called my grandmother to check in on her. She said “oh we are just fine, the wood stove in on and it’s good for us all to wake up and find the world a little less convenient and a little more beautiful”.

Photos by her husband Drew and Kelly Brown